Category Archives: Stress

Chronic Stress Effects on Physical Health

Many know that stress negatively affects mental health, but what happens to the body? Your physical health can be at risk if prolonged, intense stress is never addressed. Those with chronic stress may feel restless at night, have unexplainable sickness, and have trouble focusing on daily activities. Physiological Impact of Chronic Stress on the Body […]

5 Ways to Manage Holiday Stress

Not everyone experiences a joyful and cheerful holiday season. Numerous individuals grapple with stress stemming from work, life adjustments, relationship status, exams, financial challenges, and the demands of travel. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for managing thoughts and emotions, becomes particularly active when confronted with multiple tasks. Holiday stress is also known as “acute stress,” which […]

College Exam Stress in 2023

Stressing for college exams? Are you prepared? College stress levels can be at an all-time high this time of the year. With it being mid-term exam season, how do you know it’s time to get some help? Difficulty concentrating, irritability or low mood, unmotivated, fatigue, having less fun than normal, changes in appetite or sleep? […]